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Welcome to Georgia Shape
Georgia Shape is the Governor’s statewide, multi-agency and multi-dimensional initiative that brings together governmental, philanthropic, academic and business communities to address childhood (0-18) obesity in Georgia. Over the next ten years Georgia Shape will work towards increasing the number of students in the Healthy Fitness Zone for Body Mass Index by ten percent. Other objectives set forth by the Governor and Georgia Shape include reaching disparate populations, increasing the aerobic capacity measure of Georgia’s youth, increasing the breast feeding rate across Georgia, and increasing the number of early care centers that excel in nutrition and physical activity measures. Click here...Read more
SHAPE Partners with Playworks to Strengthen Elementary School Recess
Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation Grant Launches Statewide Initiative to Make Recess Safer Continuing in its commitment to improve the health and fitness of Georgia’s young people, Georgia SHAPE today announces a new long-term partnership with Playworks , a national nonprofit organization creating a place free of bullying for every kid on the playground. Playworks, with its innovative anti-bullying curriculum, literally changes recess through game play and will provide staff support and training to deliver its innovative recess model to more than 35,000 students at elementary schools across the state. The partnership is made possible by funding from the Atlanta Falcons...Read more
New! Smart Snacks Calculator
New! Smart Snacks Calculator Are the snacks your kids are eating Smart Snacks? In June 2013, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released updated nutrition standards for snacks and drinks served throughout the school building, in vending machines, school stores, snack carts and a la carte lines. And as of July, these new guidelines will be in effect. This means that everyone at your school will be working together to make sure your students are eating snacks that give them the energy they need to keep up with the activities you have planned. The Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s new...Read more
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